Ο1 EU Comparative Research on hate speech

The EU Comparative Research firstly describes and analyses the different social contexts and legal frameworks in each country, secondly it identifies the relevant good practices and services used in order to address the issue. Young people and youth workers were consulted in order to have a better understanding of causes, consequences, and dynamics of hate speech.

The IO1 identifies a common definition of ’hate speech’. Since there is no uniform definition of ’hate speech’ under international human rights law, rather, it is a broad concept which captures a wide range of expression. IO1 advances a shared definition and will identify different forms of ‘hate speech’ according to their severity, guided by states’ international human rights law obligations.

IO1 identifies positive measures that Partner governments and others can take to counter ‘hate speech’: guidance on what measures State and civil society can adopt to contribute to a community promoting freedom of expression and equality that addresses the principal sources of ‘hate speech’ while exploiting opportunities to counter it.

The structure of the IO1 was discussed during the Kick-off-Meeting (Paris, FR, Month). P4, Asociación Mar Violeta–SP led this IO, delivered different templates, methodology while collecting the relevant information from partners and finalised the output. P3, USB –GR worked on the layout of the IO.

Below you may find the different language versions of the IO1:

Read the english version!